
Ella's Confirmation!


Congratulations Joseph B!

Huge congratulations to the Borda family!  Next up to be Confirmed are Rena, Carlos and Ella.

Study Guide for Final Exam

Folks, I can't give you a specific Study Guide for the exam at the request of the RE office (meaning the test filled in that you can memorize).  I can give you a list of topics and explain the format. There will be fill in the blank, with a word bank to help you.  There will be multiple choice questions.  There will a True/False section and if the answer if false, you will have to write how to make it True. There are a few short answer questions. You need to know about the Sacraments, and how to categorize them - Healing, Service, Initiation.  You will need to know 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, familiar with the Beatitudes and what the term means, you will need to know about the Communion of Saints. I think the test is pretty simple.  I've made a copy of the Google Form, so only I will see your test results.  If you have trouble in an area, I will email you and your parents, you can study and resubmit those answers. I need the last homework turned in ...

Final Homework and Goodbye From Mrs. G

Goodbye from Mrs. G  The Beatitudes Final Homework: Beatitudes, Early Church, St. Paul

Confirmation Lesson + Check Back Tomorrow!!

First, it is very unusual for a Bishop to confer the responsibility of offering the Sacrament of Confirmation  to a Pastor.  Fr. Vander Woude is your spiritual father as your pastor and he has been given this opportunity during this crazy COVID19 time to bestow Confirmation upon each of you, individually. He knows you kids, and he is happy - that even though this is not what we all planned or had in mind - that it will be personal for each of you, and he can be with his young parishioners at this incredible moment in their spiritual life, you children that he has been charged with personally shepherding.   This is a special opportunity for him as your pastor and I hope you all know that he is genuinely moved and grateful to be able to Confirm you all. I have been busy grading Final exams for a class Fr. VW offers for high schooled homeschoolers at the parish - there are 30+ kids and the last class was today (Zoom, of course).  I also have work for my ...

Congratulations Alex!!

Our class had a student Confirmed yesterday!  His sponsor is moving to Florida in a couple weeks and all of Alex's requirements were completed, aside from the last homework assignment coming later today, which he will do.  Kids, I hope you all say a prayer for Alex.  I'm posting his video so you all can see the Confirmation Rite outside of Mass in preparation for your own big day.