Study Guide for Final Exam

Folks, I can't give you a specific Study Guide for the exam at the request of the RE office (meaning the test filled in that you can memorize).  I can give you a list of topics and explain the format.

There will be fill in the blank, with a word bank to help you.  There will be multiple choice questions.  There will a True/False section and if the answer if false, you will have to write how to make it True. There are a few short answer questions.

You need to know about the Sacraments, and how to categorize them - Healing, Service, Initiation.  You will need to know 7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit, familiar with the Beatitudes and what the term means, you will need to know about the Communion of Saints.

I think the test is pretty simple.  I've made a copy of the Google Form, so only I will see your test results.  If you have trouble in an area, I will email you and your parents, you can study and resubmit those answers.

I need the last homework turned in and then I'll send you the link for the Final Exam.  Once you pass, I will mark Mrs. Loesel's spreadsheet that you have completed all my requirements.

Thank you!

Mrs. G


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